Thursday 8 March 2018

You are not people‘s “latest smartphone”

Life told me that we will always not fulfill people’s expectation. It doesn’t matter how hard you try, no matter how you talk and do, some people will simply not like you just because is you. But at the same time, you must believe that there will always people who will stand with you by appreciating yourself without any conditions.

Your heart and time should not be wasted for trying to convince people who do not appreciate your value. Because their definition of “valuable” itself is most likely does not include your big heart. Just walk slowly and realize that you are not their “latest smartphone” that need to fulfill the advanced technology just to approve your value. Let it go.

It’s okay if you are thinking of yourself as “Nokia 3330” only. There will always people who will walk the same path with you. Seek it.

*My supervisors ask me to speak and write more in English. So I’m trying here.

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